Stopping the renaming process now will require you to re-configure the rename window if you choose to rename your files later.
You may want to use the MP3 Tag Changer to change many files at once.
If you would like tag information to be written out, choose a version in one of the popups.
One or more of the textfields contains only space characters. Are you sure you want to continue with the provided parameters? If not, clear all fields and start again.
Stopping the tag change process now will require you to re-configure the change window if you choose to change your files later.
Stopping the organization process now will require you to re-configure the organize window if you choose to organize your files later.
Stopping the cataloging process now will require you to re-configure the catalog window if you choose to create the catalog later.
Stopping the search now will require you to re-configure the search window if you choose to perform the search later.